It must take a singular focus to attach your used gum to the outside of a trash can instead of going the extra 3" to the actual opening.
What's with the dead birds? I don't think it had much to do with gum...wasn't there an old Pigeons eating Alka Seltzer urban myth? I guess dead birds and old gum just look cool to me.
Someone (alright, my ex...thanks, hon.) mentioned to me that the ugly black splotches on the streets of NYC were actually gum..."GUM!!!" I said, "no, way!" Like many things, she was right.
We talked about how cool it was that the gum blobs take on their own abstract shapes and how it might make a cool project, and then I broke my ankle (another story). As I have been healing I have spent a lot of time walking around very slowly, looking very carefully where my feet were going.
There is A LOT of gum on the streets of NYC.
So, I started taking pictures.